Michael Krzyszton


Michael received his degree in Physiotherapy from Glasgow Caledonian University in Scotland. Prior to pursuing a career in physiotherapy he earned a BSc in Physiology and Sports Science from the University of Glasgow, during which he completed advanced modules in sports injuries, sports performance, and performance nutrition.

Michael was first introduced to physiotherapy after an accident that resulted in a C2 spinal cord injury. He was initially paralyzing from the neck down and had to undergo extensive rehabilitation, including relearning to walk. Michael never had surgery and credits his remarkable recovery to physiotherapy. This is what later inspired him to pursue a career in the field. While his special interest is orthopedic injuries, the personal experience has certainly given him a deeper insight to rehabilitation from neurological injuries.

Prior to moving to Canada Michael spent 10 years living in the United Kingdom. There he was fortunate enough to be mentored by top level clinicians who frequently worked with British Olympic Teams and professional athletes. Under their guidance he had the opportunity to treat many professional athletes across numerous sports.  This is is where he developed a deeper understanding of performance physiotherapy. What he found most interesting is how these clinicians used the same treatment principles with Olympic athletes as they did with every day clients to yield superior results.

Born and raised in New Jersey, Michael is enjoying the change of scenery in Newfoundland. Prior to injury Michael was an avid ice hockey player and skier. After recovering he has found new ways to stay active in the form of lifting weights in the gym and road cycling. When not working with his patients or training himself, he can be found spending time with family and friends, enjoying time outdoors, and watching sporting events.